
Comment history with synapse


Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 comments

I'm doing secondary as in 6th-12th grade...I did field study with a teacher that came from there...he coaches track & field & teaches 11th grade lit...I heard the only way you teach juvi is if u decide to sign up for it through the gov't but they start off @ 54k & has a 12mth contract instead of 180 days & 43k-32k depending on which system you get into

Posted by Glamourouz on Apr 21, 08 1:32 am

Yeah, but you're not always guarenteed a high school position, which sucks, sometimes they could put you in secondary alternative education, like a disciplined school, or juvi or something like that >.<

I hope everything works out for you there. I'll be going to the College of Ed, at Florida Atlantic University down in Boca Raton. It has a great program. :)

Posted by synapse on Apr 21, 08 12:18 am

oh cool; well I'm doing english & social science; I thought about Science but I'm too main focus is finishing up marketing though, education is just a back up b/c that's a guaranteed job after graduation

Posted by Glamourouz on Apr 20, 08 9:36 pm

And, im thinking polysci :)

Posted by synapse on Apr 20, 08 3:50 pm

The image went somewhere, I can't find it, I didn't save it on my HD either, becuase imageshack is pretty reliable, sometime this week I'll most likely edit it again.

Posted by synapse on Apr 20, 08 3:49 pm

Hey what happened to your layout? anyways yea...I've been a member for 4 yrs & I'm just starting to be active...I'd like to think that I'm a nice person; ppl just have to speak or what not...oh cool, what is your subject area going to be? anyway ttyl

Posted by Glamourouz on Apr 20, 08 3:05 pm

Hey, I see you around the forums a lot now. You seem pretty nice. I'll be majoring in secondary education when I go to college as well :)

Posted by synapse on Apr 20, 08 2:17 pm
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